Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy Trails To You, Until We Meet Again...

Final Ceremony at the Mission Home-Sister Moffat cuts off the bottom of your tie (for a quilt)

Saying Good-bye to the Sisters at Transfers: Sister Kim, Bush, Williams, Gibbons, Hoskins

Our Home Teachers:The Hoopes-Brent & Sandra, Me, Larry, saying our good-byes

Triple XXX Burger Challenge: Jordan Kester, Elder Adams, Mosqueda, Rojas, Mina Kester, Sister Wilson, Elder Wilson

Our Last Free-Lunch Friday at Tu Casa: Elder Wilson, Lindsay, Elder Flickinger [fish-flinger], Barton, Ball

We dragged our feet as long as we could, but our time ran out, and it was time to say good-bye to the missionaries and the mission.


  1. Those are such great pictures. It makes me sad for you guys that you had to leave. "till we meet again"....ahhh. You did a wonderful job and I'm sure you are missed. Glad to have you home though and so are your kiddo's.

  2. Hey there! Hope you guys had a great experience. I love triple xxx-I totally miss Seattle.

