Monday, February 23, 2009

Three's Company

Friday Night Aimee and her 2 girls flew up to spend the weekend with us in Bellevue. What a fun surprise! Saturday, we took a day trip down to the Seattle Center Children's Museum, the Space Needle, and Pike's Place Market. We all enjoyed the activities in the Children's Museum, spending 2 hours there, and we could have stayed longer. There are so many fun things for the 6 and under set to do there. The girls got to touch a crab at the market, and then shake its claw. (it was cooked-so no danger involved). We bought a chunk of fresh salmon to cook for dinner and got some asparagus at the farmers market too. We went across the street and bought 3 giant cookies and shared the nummy goodness of chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, and pumpkin. Yum-o!

We passed by a sculpture garden that had some really fun sculptures, including a giant old-school art eraser complete with pink wheel and blue tassle on the end. Very cool. Aimee, Larry, and Sophie rode the elevator up to the top of the Space Needle and took in the mah-velous view.

It was a sunny day, so you could see for miles. We ate lunch at Lowells in Pike's market, which was delicious. Yummy fish n chips, chowder, and crab cakes. We were all pretty tired at that point, so we had Sister Garmin show us the way home. Sunday was Church, and Mackenzie had a blast in her Primary class with her new friend Corbin. When I went to pick her up the teacher said "She is outstanding, just incredible!!" I had to agree, and squeezed her for good measure.

Aimee cooked dinner and made a delicious glaze for the salmon with rice and asparagus. Elders Hansen and Russell had brought us a raspberry cake, so we had that for desert. We went for a walk down to the duck pond and fed the ducks and the lone goose popcorn. Gary had his fare share of peanuts this weekend, along with fruit snacks, cheerios and bread. We were glad to have them visit and sad to see them leave. It was a great weekend!


  1. Oh what a fun time it looks like you guys all had! I am sure it was a great recharge for all!

  2. I love the picture of the girls on the kitchen counter. Sums it all up.
    I heard all about "sister Garmin". Glad you have her around.

