Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fruitflies in my kitchen make me crazy

(to the tune "Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy")
Can anybody tell me how to get rid of a fruit fly infestation? I bought a bouquet of flowers at last weeks vermin-I mean Farmer's Market, and apparently it was the fruit fly neo-natal unit and they are everywhere. Yes, I threw the flowers out as soon as I noticed. Also, FYI, a roll of nearly gone paper towels makes a great fly-swatter. They not only kill the fly, they wipe it up at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Post-script: Found the true source of the fruit flies. Very ugly situation in the cupboard above the refrigerator. Alfred Hitchcock could have shot a movie in there. Ick. Applied Bleach and hot water. Problem solved.

